Melinda enjoys the challenge of translating what catches the eye into a moment captured on canvas. She is spurred forward by the elusive aspect of all there is to see and learn. Melinda has found that creating art allows for time to stand still. When she senses those moments of endlessness, she hears the whispers of better things to come. Her hope is when she paints she can give a sense of delight to the viewer. She has a Masters in Art Education from the University of Florida. Melinda paints impressionistic contemporary landscapes in oils and watercolor. Her goal is to inspire more people to paint the great outdoors in Colorado Springs. One of the ways she is working on that is by teaching watercolor classes at Surface Gallery. She is inspired by her students and excited by what the next horizon will bring.


University of Florida | Masters of Art Education | Capstone: Design Thinking | 2021

Trinity Christian College | Bachelor of Arts | Major: Graphic Design | 2010

Minors: English, Art History, Psychology


Associate Member of Plein Air Artist of Colorado

Research Interests

Global Diversity, Visual Data, Design Thinking, Plein Air Painting


Watercolor Classes, Surface Gallery 2023 - Present

Garden Amnesia, Surface Gallery 2024

Italian Collection, Online Release with Surfari Studios, 2022

Design Thinking Workshop, Village Seven, 2021

Guest Instructor for Workshop Plein Air with Navigators, 2017-2019

Advisor to the Creative Visual Artist Group, 2017- 2022

Small Works Show with SPQR Gallery, 2016- 2017

Front Range, Creative Visual Artist Group, 2016

Mandala of Trauma, Seerveld Gallery, 2010

The Meta of Contemporary Art History, February, Seerveld Gallery, 2009